Well I had a feeling I would not be able to come around here in a while, and if you were to ask me why...I wouldn´t really know how to answer that question. It is as if there were a time sucking machine somewhere in my little crooked house that is on continously. I wake up making my usual mental list of things that I want to get done, things I need to get done, and things I don´t really want to get done but still need to be done.
I feel ready to take the day, with my coffee in hand as I wait for the sun to rise and the littles as well (I need a few minutes of silence to enjoy my first sips in order to feel energized). However, magically I find myself sitting on the sofa, surrounded by toys, unfolded laundry baskets, and still my unfinished list of things. Where has the time gone? Am I goign to be 60 one day and still think "I really need to organize that closet I´ve been meaning to touch for the past 32 years. Am I the only one that feels this time cruch?
Either way, I was able to get some things done. Like my Christmas card designs, my lovely grey granny bag, a few orders, and several wrist warmers. I just need a bit more time. That would be an excellent stocking stuffer, and extra hour a day when I am not too tired to focus, or too focused on other things.
I was also able to finally pull out our Christmas decorations and decorate the tree. Today was one of those lovely lazy Sundays spent watching movies, drinking warm drinks, and remaining inside. We have had several cold days here in the little village. I have difinitely noticed how even though I have lived here for the past 3 years I am not designed for htis type of weather. MY first clue was when my feet became numb after standing for five minutes otside while volunteering at the Christmas market; or How my skin is so terribly dry and red even after I apply a thick layer of nivea cream for the fifth time in 20 minutes...I could go on and on. Nevertheless, it truly is a beautiful time of year, especially here in this crooked little house. I get to look up at the frosted mountains and contrasting dark brown branches of the trees as I walk through the friendly neighborhood full of Christmas lights, snowmen, and fresh crunchy snow.
Happy 3rd advent to you all.
Music has always been part of my life. I have always been that person walking down the street with oversized headphones. It was a must to have my headphones on while riding the bus to my high school, or while taking the transmilenio to the university. They went with me as I travelled through Europe, and when I moved to Tampa. They were tangled up in my diaper bag as I moved to Germany and went with me on walks through the fields of Schopfloch or accompanied me as I threaded my needle.
But as all things, my headphones are falling apart. Therefore, I thought it would only be fitting to cover their aging with a little crochet cover. It was easy and time consuming to make. The yarn I used was nice and soft. So soft that it would slip from my fingers.
I used the chevron stitch, which you can find with a simple google search. After chainging a multiple of 10 + 1 you sc 2 in the second chain from the hook, then 1 sc in the next 3 st. skip one, sc one, skip one, 1 sc in the next 3 st, 3 sc in the next st, 1 sc inthe next 3 st, skip one, 1 sc, skip one and if you are at the end of the chain you do 2 sc in the last st.
I leave you with what is currently playing as I type this. I enjoy Mumford and Sons immensely. This song will be on the Wuthering Heights soundtrack. I love the raspy voice, the echoing banjo, the somberness, the sensation of nighttime and glowing candles, the waiting, the story, and pain, the wind.
I love music that can paint an image before you and whenever you hear that song it brings about that image or feeling.
Let's listen together.
Mumford & Sons - The Enemy [FULL version] HD
Within this cyber world I am known as Wooni, a creator of beasts, a lover of elephants.
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