As the skies remaind grey this weekend, there wasn't much left to do except have a Movie night with the lovely neighbors. I only had my horrible phone to take these bare with me.
Little # 1 was a bit of a party pooper, since he did not like the idea of eating at the table and then watching the movie with the lights on...but as soon as the Golden lady Columbia appeared he quieted down, as he informed everyone, that that is where his Tata lives (Colombia, not Columbia....either way).
We watched the very entertaining
The title doesn't really roll of the tongue in German for me. However, everyone loved it.
The next grey and rainy day was spent at a near by craft event for children, and the children center. Again, I only had my phone to take the one picture. It is not very fun for the only grown up when trying to withhold a two year old from trying to make things with hot glue guns, pointy sticks, and saws...There were a lot of tears and every one there heard as she clearly yelled to my lovely neighbor "Mama sag NEIN!" Mom says no...How lovely, her first full sentence.
Either way, Little #1 had a wonderful time creating tea light holders, pea and tooth pick constructions, a felted flower and an origami star.
The pea and tooth pick idea was quite clever. You soak dried peas over night in water and the next day you simply cunstruct whatever you want with tooth picks. The kids built some lovely things, a church, a house, a tower, and little #1 make an airport....unfortunately on the way back home the airport suffered a calamity and is not unrecognizable. His response "nicht schlimm Mama." Literally meaning not bad, but in my mind its more of a "Don't worry 'bout it Ma." I'm weird.
Next outing...must take camera, regardless if I am a walking coat rack.
It was lovely, and free. I must bring along my better camera despite not having any room.
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