Today I was confronted by my oldest most hated enemy. A creature so vile its mere shape can make me feel weak in the knees. Its sound so disrupting it makes me cringe. Its is an angry vengeful beast with ony one burn me.
I tried to ignore the growing pile of dress shirts, but after a while it was taking over the house. sleeves were falling out of windows and hanging from the ceiling...ok I am exaggerating. It was a large pile. And I do hate to iron
Either way, after half fulfilling my quota of ironing for the year. I was interrupted by the littles.
It was time to go out. It is still quite grey here, but the cool feels warm and welcoming. We have not spend too much time outside and Basti has been bursting to spend as much time possible outside. So today he took to his balancing bike and we rode into the wild Weidenthaler surroundings.
We saw the local wild life enjoying the warmer weather. And within the greyness there were splashes and reminders of the approaching spirng. The moss was bright green, the snowdrops were budding along side the other flowers ( I will not pretend to be a botanist . I have no green extremities).
i love to iron just straight, flat pieces of cloth. i love getting out all the wrinkles...but ironing shirts is not one of my favorite things either. thanks for sharing some of your surroundings and a peek at the littles.
Posted by: deanna7trees | 02/28/2012 at 05:17 PM
Yes I enjoy ironing cloth when it's something you have been working on, but the shirts...there are so many and they keep coming back!
Posted by: Wooni | 02/28/2012 at 10:11 PM