The weather has always affected my state of mind. And with so much gloom, rain, and darkness this summer in addition with the pains and heaviness and sure things falling through I have been subjected to a feeling of fragmentation. Today I do not feel whole, complete, but instead separated from so much of myself. As if the glue that keeps me together has been washed away by all this rain.
It has been an odd summer. Only a few days of warmth. Lately every night as we sleep with some fresh air I feel cool and chilled. I wake up to the fog in the palatine forest and a sense that summer just decided to never come here. I prefer cooler weather, but I still need a bit of warmth. I need to store it for the long hard winters that I have experienced here so far.
But back to the sun. I have been holding on to the small boro-ish discharged magic sun. I never had the right place for it. And as I was preparing circles for the larger cloth that I want to make during The Magic Diaries, I decided I should make a place for this sun, even if it were to be left alone. So now it is the lenght of my forearm and awaiting to be embroidered. Maybe a face?
I like your fragmented sun! The black and white striped rays add such a unique touch and really make that orange Pop. How I wish I could send you some of this insufferable Texas heat ... just enough to warm you, if only I could.
Posted by: jan b. | 07/20/2011 at 05:00 PM
hmmm. posting issue. ill try again. your vivid sun is great, especially the reversal of colors w/the sun being b & w. a face here would be great. drizzling and gray here in seattle, too.
Posted by: handstories | 07/20/2011 at 05:00 PM