As I walked through the park enjoying the little bit of solitude that was permitted I felt as if I were on a journey a journey a young woman might have taken a long time ago in order to conserve something special. Something like the feeling of love. And as I sat in a maze of flowers and bees her image fell upon me. I saw Sulla, a mythological creature, hiding within the dirt letters or love to another that would never see them.
This woman lived in a time when love was not allowed by the gods. It was the only emotion that remained for the immortals to play with. However, Sulla had the ability to love. The gods because aware of this only because her letters began to sprout leaves and petals. Her words transformed into beautiful flowers.
The gods were envious of her ability and sent her on a journey. She would remained trapped in her vast garden, which was now the park. However the garden would transform into different worlds of strange creatures where she would have to strive to continue to love, and if she managed to hold on to this emotion and even foster it among the strange creatures she wouls soon be able to return to her world and love the one she loved. However, the journey since it was a long one, made her forget at time what she was fighting for and thus become even longer.
So there within the park as I sat I became aware of my journey I was another Sulla of the many that have existed, fighting for love and wanting to florish it and foster it.
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