From Lewis' Manuscript "Alica falls under Ground" Perfect for how I feel....
Lately my life has been full of some expected and some unexpected changes. I have enjoyed the expected ones, such as my niece, but I could most definitely do without the unexpected ones. As I have mentioned before the first one is the rapid downward spiral that my abuelo is rushing through. The second one was and still is even more surprising than my grandfather. My beloved and quirky aunt, (the one that I share a birthday, a first name, and a small oval birthmark on the same foot) needs open heart surgery. I am sending all of my good and positive energy to her and to God, and I am hoping that all goes well and smoothly. But I am still petrified for her. And given that usually things occur in threes I am nervious about the fact there could still be lingering out there in the universe and third unexpected occurrence. I just see it hovering about earth, miles away shining among the stars, watching my every move and just waiting for that moment when I think that we have cleared the worst of the torment, and then suddenly I am back in what seems to be the bottomless abyss, sinking swiftly down to what appears to be the worst.....Hopefully I am wrong. Hopefully I am just exaggerating. Hopefully I am just worrying (since I was born to be a worrier) for no reason. Hopefully...
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